Palm Crest Elementary School >
Report an Absence
Attendance Hotline 818-949-4875
Office Clerk
Questions? ALF SS Office 818-952-8360
Attendance Policy
Participation – All students who attend ALF Summer School must be registered in advance. Only enrolled students are allowed in the classrooms or on the playgrounds.
Full Attendance is Encouraged – Consistent daily attendance during the entire 4-week session is ideal in order for the student to fully benefit from the ALF Summer School program. No refunds will be given for partial attendance. If you know before the first day of ALF Summer School that your student will miss classes, send an email to at your earliest convenience so we know that your student will not be attending on those dates.
Report an Absence – When a student is absent during the summer session, a parent or guardian must contact the Summer School office on the day of the absence. This can be by phone at 818-952-8360 or by email to Be sure to report the student’s first and last name, date(s) of absence, reason, and a contact number in case we have questions. If your child is ill, please keep your child at home and notify us.
Late – A student arriving late to his or her class must sign in with the school Office Clerk.
Leaving Early – If a student is leaving school before the end of his or her normal school day, a parent or guardian must contact the school Office Clerk in advance. A parent or guardian must also notify the school Office Clerk, if a student will be leaving early for the day with someone other than the student’s family member. Before a student is released to an individual other than the student’s parent, guardian or other adult listed on the Emergency Medical Authorization form, proper identification will be requested from that individual.
Code of Conduct – In addition to ALF Behavior Standards, the Summer School principal sets the Student Conduct & Responsibility Guidelines. Before the first day of classes, the Guidelines will be posted on the school page of the website and also included in the Welcome Packet sent to parents. Students who do not comply will be dismissed from the program. There is no refund in the event of such dismissal.
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